23 rue des Martyrs


A man is dying. He’s thinking about surgery, painting and his passion: horses. These three aims will mix together for a last merry go round celebrating life and creation.

Author’s note

23 rue des Martyrs is my first animated film. It was written as a “real” film with actors and horses. I couldn’t found the money to do it but I did not wanted to give up : to he storyboard was drawn, so I started to paint it. It took me 4 years to complete the it. I’ve done it on my free time and holidays. The good feed back by the audience push me to make new animated films.

Year of production:1997. Running time:4 min 30 sec.

Director:Luc Perez. Screenplay:Luc Perez. Production: 24 images. Producer: Farid Rezkallah. Music:Mikey Chaupin. Sound design:Jérome Devannes.